Friday, March 03, 2006


Does this feeling ever reach a lowest point and then plateau off, or does it just keep sinking? And would I want it to plateau off even if it did?

Still getting harder, but I'm trying my best to remain positive. Today was difficult, though. Probably also due to the fact that my department had its Annual Dinner last night and no one really felt like working today. Whatever the reason was, I was pretty distracted at work today. Just couldn't stop thinking about her.

I've apparently graduated from the "thinking about her" school and moved on to the "wondering what she's doing now" level. She was working in camp the last few days, and I kept finding myself thinking "they're probably having lunch now..." or "campfire probably just started..." But this afternoon was difficult. After "camp probably just ended..." I was kind of stuck. I had no idea what she was up to, and for some reason that made me unthinkably sad.


Also, just found out that she's managed to get herself a job. Found out through her blog. Again, it makes me feel low(er) that I have to find out stuff like that through her blog.


Supposed to meet my close friend and his other friend at the pub later for drinks. Think I might head down earlier and start my drinking first.


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